Saturday, April 26, 2008

I am tender!

I will defend that sacred document like a wolf defends his chewed up lamb, or a crazy neighbor defending her apple desert recipe. GGRRRRR!

Monday, April 21, 2008


I plead with everyone to vote for people who will not waste tax money OR take bribes from lobbyists. Time to flush the legislatures down the toilet instead of letting them flush our money!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

state convention

I am proud and honored to be nominated as candidate for State Representative today in Sandy. Here is a picture of me introducing myself to the delegates and the rest of the party at the state convention. I promised that I will never raise taxes and will never expand the government. I am confident my fellow candidates believe the same way and I encourage everyone to research their beliefs. Elect Ashby for House 64!! I am a totally awesome candidate!